ALFRETON & DISTRICT HERITAGE TRUST. - Alfreton Heritage Centre, Heritage Chapel, Rodgers Lane, Alfreton, Derbyshire, DE55 7FF Tel: 01773 832349. The Heritage Centre is open 2pm until 4pm every Sunday afternoon and often on Wednsday from 10am to 1pm. Check their facebook page.
THE PENTRICH & SOUTH WINGFIELD REVOLUTION GROUP - For events and details connected with the Pentrich Revolution visit their website www.pentrichrevolution.org.uk
FRIENDS OF THE CROMFORD CANAL - For details of the many events and talks, please visit their website www.cromfordcanal.info.
JACKSDALE AREA CULTURE & HERITAGE (JACHs) - For events and details on the Jacksdale and Westwood area, please visit their facebook page
HEANOR & DISTRICT LOCAL HISTORY SOCIETY - For details and events visit their website www.heanorhistory.org.uk
RIPLEY & DISTRICT HERITAGE TRUST - their website includes information on the Butterley Company and local collieries. Visit their website for details www.rdht.org.uk
PINXTON & SOUTH NORMANTON LOCAL HISTORY SOCIETY - The Pinxton and South Normanton Local History Society is a group of like-minded people. Each year they hold a heritage day where there are collections of old photos, maps and other documents on display for visitors to view and purchase if they wish. Please contact them via their facebook page.
TIBSHELF LOCAL HISTORY & CIVIC SOCIETY - A Society dedicated to the research and recording of local history, including their industrial heritage. In 2020 the Society was successful in a Heritage Lottery bid to secure funding for their ‘Miners to Medics’ project to record the history of the Tibshelf Ambulance Corps and Nursing Association (which also includes details of the Birchwood Ambulance Corps within the Somercotes Parish). Visit their website http://www.tibshelflocalhistory.co.uk